Employment Opportunities » High School Youth Minister

High School Youth Minister

High School Youth Minister
St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Gates Mills Ohio
St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Gates Mills, Ohio, is seeking a missionary disciple who is faith-filled, joyful, highly-motivated, full-time high school youth minister to guide our teens into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The High School Youth Minister is responsible for overseeing all aspects of high school youth ministry at a dynamic parish serving 1,600 families by leading a parish youth ministry program.

Why St. Francis of Assisi?
• Best patron saint ever!
• Enthusiastic pastor and supportive staff
• Strong school and PSR programs through 8th grade
• Building youth ministry is a primary focus
• Youth focused Mass
• Core team support
• Great Teen Discipleship Leaders
• Involved parental support
• Openness to growth and change

• Serve on pastoral staff and integrate youth ministry into parish life
• Continue an existing Eucharistic and Marian centered youth program, which currently implements the Life Teen movement
• Be a relational minister who goes out to meet teens where they are
• Assist with Confirmation preparation by working with day school and PSR to help eighth graders transition into high school youth ministry. Confirmation preparation is in seventh and eighth grade
• Ongoing recruitment, training, supervision, support, and inspire Core Team and other volunteers
• Plan, implement, and evaluate weekly events in line with the USCCB and Diocese of Cleveland catechetical norms
• Create opportunities/programs for parents of high school youth throughout the year
• Coordinate with neighboring parishes and Core members in providing fall and spring retreats as well as other events
• Plan and implement ways beyond Life Nights for continued growth, e.g. bible study, book discussion, other mid-week prayer, or learning opportunities for teens
• Assist in aspects of youth Mass
• Collaborate with Life Teen Music Ministry in planning Sunday Liturgy
• Invite and train teens for Liturgical ministries
• Promote and publicize youth ministry through social media, parish website, parish newsletter, Sunday bulletin, and digital signage
• Administer youth ministry budget along with the pastor
• Serve as Group Leader for annual conferences, i.e. Steubenville Summer Youth Conference, LTLC, CLE 2:16, CYSC
• Provide opportunities for teens to grow in faith and community during the summer
• Work with middle school and high school volunteers for VBS
• Promote teen leadership
• Develop and support youth ministry fundraisers for events and programs
• Stay spiritually healthy through drawing strength from the Eucharist, making an annual retreat, attending youth ministry gatherings, and attending ongoing training to stay current on youth ministry best practices
• Build and maintain a spirit of service through service opportunities for high school youth in conjunction with the parish community
• Other duties as assigned by the pastor
A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a field related to theology is preferred but not required
The candidate must pass background screening and Diocese of Cleveland Virtus training

Salary is commensurate with experience
Position is available to begin late spring/early summer
Send resume to [email protected]. Resumes will be accepted through March 7.

Contact Teresa Szary
Phone: (440) 461-0066
Fax: (440) 461-9053

6850 Mayfield Road, Gates Mills, OH 44040